How to Make Word of God Great Again
“…God draws to Himself everyone who is willing, and guides
to Himself everyone who turns to Him for Guidance”.
(Al Qur’an 42:13).
The present situation of our world is as follows:
· Nearly 80% of the world’s population is
religious and most governments are secular.
· Religion is not only divisive and cause for
hate and war, but also against “reason”.
· Most secular governments are forced to
enforce #OneLawForAll based on #SecularLaw, while a very large part of their
constituency is religious.
· Elites among them are trying to demolish
all religions by teaching “reason and science”. There are now over one billion
Atheists in the world.
· In Western world, Christians are facing a
crisis. Most of their adherents are becoming Atheists. The Christians are left
with no option but to fill their churches with the LGBT+ community.
· The Elites have a total onslaught program
against the RELIGION OF ISLAM, which is followed by majority of the Muslims based
on “blind faith”.
The above conflict between the secular and religion is due to the fact that humans believe in the dichotomy of the secular and religion, which did not exist in our Universe before humans came into being. Therefore, all the extremists and fundamentalists teachings and practices within and between the secular and religious, which make them separate and exclusive, are man-made.
Abraham was “haneef” (a person of pure natural beliefs). He used the methodology of ilm-ul-yaqin (certainty of knowledge by inference and reasoning), ayn-ul-yaqin (certainty of knowledge by seeing and observing) and haqq-ul-yaqin (absolute knowledge, like this is computer, etc) to eliminate the dichotomy of the secular and religious. Hence, he believed in God as the Creator, Suatainer, Protector, etc, of the Universe, free of all the dogmas and doctrines of religion, and followed the secular and scientific path of the creation without being Godless.
Therefore, in view of this “restrictive definition” of the secular and religion, all Abrahamic Faiths did not accept any knowledge of science, religion, culture, politics, etc, which did not intersect the knowledge of the secular and religious. They believed that since they followed Nature’s Law, they did require the Guidance of Nature’s God to establish a higher level of Human Civilization. For example, God created only two sexes. Hence, all views about the LGBT+ community, which did not intersect the knowledge of the secular and religious, was unacceptable to them.
Likewise, with the Guidance of God’s Word in the Qur’an, they intersected the knowledge of Creation and Evolution. For example, the Qur’an (51:47) states that the “universe is expanding”; the “Big Bang” did take place and “all living things were created from water” (Qur’an 21:30). Furthermore, the Qur’an (21:30, 41:9-12) told them what the state of the universe was before the “Big Bang” took place, and in what state the planet earth was before God settled “all living things” on it. I explain this in great detail in my book titled SECULAR ISLAM with subtitle “A Restrictive Definition of Secular and Religion”.
Hence, it is important to know that Abraham did not recite the Shahada (I bear witness that there is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger and Servant of God) to become Muslim. He became Muslim by believing in God as the Creator, Sustainer, Protector, etc., of the universe, free of all the dogmas and doctrines of Religion, and by following the secular and scientific path of the creation without being Godless (Qur’an ). Likewise, all Prophets of God used the Word of God in the context of God’s Work in Nature and the wider Universe to established one Standard way of life (AdDeeni Haneefan) for all humans, both secular and religious.
Therefore, in the context of the above, we Muslims should be saddened by the fact that our Christian Brothers and Sisters are losing their adherents to Atheism and other Religions and selling their churches in the West, especially in the USA. We as Muslims are required to tell them that like we revere Prophet Muhammad, we revere Jesus, and like we revere the Qur’an, we revere the Bible as a precious Book of God, because the Bible in its pure form narrates God’s interaction with all Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an in their chronological order.
Therefore, if we have a Bible telling us exactly the same thing, which is written in the Qur’an about God, Religion and Secularism, in their historical form, we will have no problem going to church with them to make a “pledge” to God by reading from the Bible in a slightly “bowing” position, just like Muslims do when they recite from the Qur’an and “bow and Prostrate”, to denote that we will function in all aspects of our lives according to the Word of God Alone and no other word of man like we find in the dogmas and doctrines of the Christian Church and in the Talmud and Hadith.
And it is exactly in this way, we would like to achieve our spiritual bond with all the nations and tribes of this world in the midst of their God-given diverse sights, sounds, rites and ceremonies. And likewise, we would also like to tell the Secular Society in the Western world and all the people who have left the Christian Faith for Atheism and other Faiths, that all Belief Systems, like that of Religion and Secularism, which divide the secular and religious, are conjecture. And that if we wish to establish a higher form of moral and spiritual Civilization and true knowledge of science, religion, culture, politics, etc, we will have to eliminate all extremists and fundamentalist teachings of both the secular and religious, according to the Creeds of Abraham and the worldview teachings of Tawhid (unity and universality), which are cardinal teachings and essence of all Faiths.
Anyway, since our spiritual Brotherhood and Sisterhood is the bedrock of our Faith, allow me to explain this spiritual Brotherhood and Sisterhood in a more complex situation. Let’s say that I am an Indian Muslim living in India and I fall in love with a Hindu woman and she feels the same about me. I will have no problem marrying her if she also believes that we should “serve” only ONE GOD Who is the Creator, Sustainer, Protector, etc, of the Universe, free of all the dogmas and doctrines of Religion, and that we should follow the secular and scientific path of the creation without being Godless.
In this marriage I will also have to take into account her diverse sight, sound, rites and ceremonies. Therefore, in this scenario I will not subject her to don the headscarf, hijab, niqab, etc. I will allow her to wear her sarie but with a blouse, which will cover her belly and her back. And if she wanted me to apply vermillion on her forehead to signify that she is a married woman, I would gladly do that. And likewise, if she wishes to tie an amulet on her brother’s wrist on the day of Rakhi and wish to participate in other rites and ceremonies, which do not conflict with the Creeds of Abraham and the worldview teachings of Tawhid Unity and universality), I will also not object to that, but unfortunately, many of Hindu rites and ceremonies are dedicated to many of their gods and goddesses and it is here she would have to understand that in keeping with our belief system that there is only ONE GOD, she would not find such a compromise on her sight, sound, rites and ceremonies objectionable.
Therefore, it is
about time we took the Secular Society and all secular governments to a proper
Secular Court, not like the Supreme Court in the USA, which favors religion, because
all of them who support Secularism need to know that their perspective of God,
Religion and Secularism is flawed, and that a more intelligent perspective of
God, Religion and Secularism is that of Abraham, which demands a “restrictive
definition” of the secular and religion according to the Laws of Nature and the
insight and knowledge of Nature’s God, namely that of The Creator. And that
such a perspective of God, Religion and Secularism, is not only a means of
developing the spiritual Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Mankind in the midst of
their diverse sights, sounds, rites and ceremonies, but it is also a means of
developing a more accurate knowledge of science, religion, politics, culture,
etc, outside their perspective of God, Religion and Secularism.
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