Islamic LuniSolar Calendar for Hajj, Ramadhan and other Seasonal Events


According to LuniSolar Calendar Allah ordained Ramadhan to fall in September every Year

Some of the verses of the Qur’an which instruct Muslims to use the LuniSolar Calendar for all “events”, both secular and religious, are as follows:  

10:5-6 He is One Who made the sun a shining light and the moon a reflected light and determined for it phases that you may know the number of years and count of time. Not created Allah except in Truth. He explains the Sign for a people who know. Indeed in the alteration of the night and day and what has been created by Allah in the heavens and earth are Signs for a people who are God conscious.

6:96 He is the Cleaver of the daybreak. He has appointed the night for stillness, (rest and tranquillity) and the sun and the moon to run their well-calculated courses. They become means of calculating time for you (10:5). Such is the Design of the All-Powerful, the All-Knower.

Taking into consideration the fact that the Arabs used the LuniSolar Calendar when the Qur’an was revealed and that Prophet Muhammad (s) used it until his demise, creates no doubt that the above verses of the Qur’an state that we should use both the sun and the moon to establish a LuniSolar Calendar so that we “may know the number of years and count of time”.

Unfortunately, those who promote the Lunar Calendar say that in his “Last Sermon” Prophet Muhammad (s) said that Muslim should replace the LuniSolar Calendar with the Lunar Calendar. But the “Last Sermon”, which is published on the Website of the Jamiat in KZN in South Africa, does not contain such a statement of Prophet Muhammad (s). Besides, neither the Prophet Muhammad (s) nor his companions had any authority to change what Allah had ordained lawful, (Qur’an 53:3, 10:15, 69:43-46, 66:1).

The following verse of the Qur’an, Allah states He ordained only twelve months when He created the heavens and the earth:       

9:36 God has ordained twelve months in one year. This has been God´s Ordinance since the day He created the heavens and earth.

Since it is true that the Prophet Muhammad (s) used the LuniSolar Calendar during his life time, the addition of a “leap month” every 2-3 years, cannot be regarded as the 13th month of the year because it is an accumulation of the missing days of the 2-3 years preceding it. 

METONIC CYCLE: It consists of 19 Solar years of 365.25 days. If you multiply 19 by 365.25 days and then divide it by 29.53 days of the lunar cycle month, you will get exactly 235 lunar months. Therefore, after every METONIC CYCLE all adjustments to the LuniSolar Calendar are completely corrected by itself in its original and very pure form like the Day in which Allah created our Universe.

And in addition to the above knowledge of the Qur’an and the fact that Prophet Muhammad (s) used the LuniSolar Calendar, some Muslim scholars state that the names of the months in the Islamic Calendar “define distinct seasonal events”. For example, Rabi Al-Awwal means “The First Spring”, which occurs in March in the Saudi Arabia and the Northern Hemisphere. They argue, “What would be the use of having such names for the Islamic months, if they did not correspond with their respective seasonal events?” Therefore, according to its “distinct seasonal event” in the Northern Hemisphere, the Islamic LuniSolar Calendar reads as follows:


   1. MUHARRAM                  1.  JANUARY

·          2. SAFAR                          2.  FEBRUARY

·          3. RABI AL-AWWAL           3.   MARCH        (Spring) Equinox

·          4. RABI AL-THANI             4.   APRIL

·          5. JAMADA AL-AWWAL      5.    MAY

·          6. JAMADA AL-THANI        6.    JUNE            (Summer) Solstice

·          7. RAJAB                          7.   JULY

·          8. SHABAAN                     8.   AUGUST

·          9. RAMADHAN                  9.   SEPTEMBER  (Autumn) Equinox

·         10. SHAWWAL                  10.  OCTOBER 

·         11. DHU AL-QADAH           11.  NOVEMBER

·         12. DHU AL-HIJJAH           12.   DECEMBER   (Winter) Solstice

Therefore the following verse of Qur’an should be interpreted in this context:

2:189 They ask you (O Messenger) about the phases of the Moon. Say, “They are to help mankind determine certain seasons such as that of Hajj.”

CONCLUSION: The Qur’an (21:22) states, “If there were other gods besides Allah, there would have been chaos in both (the heavens and earth).” Unfortunately, the ulama have brought chaos in the Muslim world by making Bukhari and his sacred text another god besides Allah and His Sacred Text. Not only did they make the Lunar Calendar an Islamic Calendar much against the knowledge of the Qur’an, but they have also divided us into sects and madhabs by following Bukhari and his sacred text much against the knowledge of the Qur’an. If you read all the articles in my Blog, which I have mentioned below, you will find that almost everything the ulama are saying and doing in our Deen is contrary to the True knowledge of the Qur’an. Now we have lost all the spiritual benefits of our fast in Ramadhan and our Hajj, which we have performed according to the Lunar Calendar. Besides, the fast of Ramadhan in September, when there is equal day and night in both hemispheres, leaves no doubt that we were divinely ordained to use the LuniSolar Calendar. Now, the only way to gain the Mercy of Allah is to reinstate the True Divine System. If we do not, we will be the loser in the hereafter (45:2-11, 5:67). Please make copies and distribute and let’s have some action to correct the situation.



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