Eternal Journey without Knowledge of Eternal Truth and Reality is Meaningless

 According to the Qur’an, there is a neutral and universal way of establishing the Eternal Truth and Reality of our Universe and one Standard way of life (AdDeeni Haneefan) for all humans, both secular and religious. It is by using God’s Word in the context of His Work in Nature, which does not change with space and time, (Qur’an 42:13, 30:30).

For example, plants and animals establish “certainty of knowledge” according to the methodology of ilm-ul-yaqin (certainty of knowledge by inference and reasoning), ayn-ul-yaqin (certainty of knowledge by seeing and observing) and haqq-ul-yaqin (absolute knowledge, like this is a laptop, etc).

Therefore, establishing the knowledge of Hadith by using Sanad (chain of narrators) and to follow religion and tradition by “blind faith” is not an Eternal Way of establishing the true knowledge of the Sunnah of the Prophet (s) or authenticating Hadith.

Likewise, using “science-based, evidence-based” methodology of modern science, which denies the existence of God, is not an Eternal Way of establishing true knowledge of the secular world.

In addition to this, secular educated people need to know that “reason and science” is found in a more mature form on the Eternal Plane where the dichotomy of the secular and religious does not exist, than on the earthly plane where man-made dichotomy of the secular and religion exist.


Likewise, when we study the Qur’an in the context of God’s Work in the creation, according to the above methodology, we find by observation (ayn-ul-yaqin) and inference (ilm-ul-yaqin) that the existence of God as Creator, Sustainer, Protector, etc, free of all dogmas and doctrines of religion, is an Eternal Truth and Reality, and that we should follow the secular and scientific path of the creation without being Godless, and not that of any Religion.

Therefore, on the Eternal Plane where there is no Religion, an “Aalim” is a “reason and science” teacher and not a “teacher of Religion”. Similarly, on the Eternal Plane, there are no “religious schools” and there is no “worship” of God. All creations “serve” God for purpose He created them and humans are expected to do the same as “vicegerents” of God on earth. And likewise, “salaat” is not a “prayer” but a “pledge” (Qur’an 7:29), and so on.

In the same way, the sighting of the crescent moon to establish the Lunar Calendar, keeping a beard, playing only certain sports the Prophet (s) and his companions played, male circumcision, etc, is not a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (s).

And likewise, the donning of the headscarf, hijab, niqab, etc, is not an Islamic dress code for Muslim women. And when you say it is, you are not only telling a lie, but you are also destroying an Eternal Truth and Reality of the Islamic way of life and its secular perspective as a way of life because the real purpose of Islam is to establish one spiritual empire in the midst of all terrestrial empires of different sights, sounds, rites and ceremonies.     

Hence, Muslims who believe in Islamic Art, Architecture, Medicine, Science, Education, Dressing, Socio-Economical and Political Affiliation, etc, are ignorant of the Eternal Truth and Reality of our Universe. In Islam the Rights of people who destroy the Eternal Truth and Reality of our way of life or the secular perspective of the Islamic way of life have no Right to claim their Rights.


God’s Word in the context of His Work in Nature is not only a means of establishing the Eternal Truth and Reality of our Universe and a means of establishing one Standard way of life (AdDeeni Haneefan) for all humans, secular and religious, over all time and place, but it is also a means of freeing all humans from all the rigid rules of Religion.

To explain this, let’s take the issue of slaughtering an animal for food. In God’s Work in Nature, where a predator catches it prey and kills it for food, it does so without pronouncing the name of God or reciting “Bismillah” when consuming the meat. Therefore, the Qur’an does not tell us anything more than that, except to pronounce the name of Allah when we slaughter an animal for food. There is Hadith narrated by Bibi Ayesha (ra) which states that if we do not know the source of the meat we receive, we should just pronounce the name of Allah and eat it.

Therefore, it does not matter if you are Shia or Sunni or Jew, Christian or Muslim, as long as you pronounce the name of the same God and eat it, it will be halaal (kosher). Likewise, there is no Shia or Sunni or Shafi and Hanafi way of making “salaat” because “salaat” as a “pledge” requires a Christian to read Word of God from the Bible in the standing position and bow or for a Muslim to read from Qur’an and bow and prostrate physically (Qur’an 4:102). 


Unfortunately, the dichotomy of the secular and religion on the earthly plane is the reason why all the people of the world cannot establish one Standard way of life (AdDeeni Haneefan) for all humans, both secular and religious, based on Eternal Truth and Reality.

For example, in USA to ban sinful abortions, same sex marriages, etc, all you have to do is appoint more judges in the Supreme Court who will favor Religious Law. But because they make the Christian Faith a Religion and believe in Trinity against the Eternal Truth and Reality of our Universe, their Government of God on earth is unlikely to succeed.

In South Africa, all ignorant Muslims were rejoicing when a major in the South African Defense Force appealed to the Constitutional Court to don her headscarf and won her case. They were not aware that Islam was a secular way of life which distinguished God-given Diversities from man-made ones according to “the laws of Nature and the wider universe” with the Guidance of God.

And on the same issue, when the Government of France banned the headscarf in public schools, the majority of the Muslims were against the ban. The Muslims were doing exactly opposite of what the Qur’an expected the Muslims to do. I explain this in detail in my book “POSTMODERN ISLAM” with subtitle “A Restrictive Definition of the Secular and Religion”.  

Even if you applied Sharia Law, you will find no joy because Sharia Law on the Eternal Plane is not based on Qur’an and Sunnah. It is based on God’s Word in the context of His Work in Nature, where “reason and science” prevails over the “blind following” of religion and tradition and where the dichotomy of the secular and religion does not exist.

And, if you think that the Qur’an Alone students of the Qur’an have the true knowledge of Eternal Truth and Reality, you are mistaken. For example, they believe in Evolution and not in Creationism, which intersects the knowledge of the secular and religious. Likewise, they do not believe that God created man as “vicegerent” of God on earth. They believe that God created man as a “successor” to humans who evolved from the monkey. And in the same way, they believe that there is no physical bowing and prostration in “salaat”, and so on. I explain all of this in great detail in my book “POSTMODERN ISLAM”, which demands “A Restrictive Definition of Secular and Religion”.



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